Alexa L. Mattheyses, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Cell, Developmental, and Integrative Biology
Department of Dermatolgy (Secondary)
Director, High Resolution Imaging Facility (HRIF) Microscopy Core
Ph.D. University of Michigan
B.A. Smith College
email: mattheyses [at]
Leslie Donoghue Seeley, PhD
Ph.D. UAB (Biomedical Engineering)
B.S. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa (Chemical and Biological Engineering)
email: lesdon [at]
Graduate Students
Collin Ainslie, MS
UAB GBS, Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics Theme
M.S. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Multidisciplinary Biomedical Science
B.S. University of Alabama in Huntsville, Biological Sciences
Email: ainsliec [at]
Twitter: Ainslie_col
Jie Yuan
UAB Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Bioscience, School of Life, Science and Technology
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China
email: jieyuan [at]
twitter: jieyuan1993
Yen Tran, MS
B.S. International University of Nation University in Vietnam (Biotechnology)
M.S. UAB Master of Science in Biotechnology
email: yttran [at]
William Dean, PhD 2019-2024 Graduate Student GBS Biochemistry and Structural Biology Theme
Krishna Patel 2022-2024 Masters Student, Multidisciplinary Biomedical Science
Tejeshwar Rao, PhD 2016- 2023 Postdoc and Scientist
Tomasz Nawara, PhD 2017-2023 Graduate Student GBS Cell and Developmental Biology
Yancey Williams 2019-2023 Undergraduate Researcher, Science and Technology Honors Program, Biomedical Engineering Major
Monica Patel 2020-2023 Undergraduate Researcher, UAB Honors College, Neuroscience Major
Rose Albert 2018-2022 Undergraduate Researcher, Science and Technology Honors Program, Goldwater Scholar, Chemistry Major
Reena Beggs, PhD 2018-2022 Graduate Student GBS Pathobiology, Pharmacology, & Physiology and Postdoc
Katie Dietz 2018-2021 Undergraduate Researcher, Science and Technology Honors Program, Biomedical Engineering Major
Olivia Saunders 2019-2020 Undergraduate Researcher, University Honors Program, Biomedical Sciences Major
Emily Bartle, PhD 2014-2019 Graduate Student Emory BCDB Graduate Program
Tara Urner 2016-2018 Research Assistant
Sid Raju 2014-2016 Undergraduate Researcher, SIRE program and Honors (Emory)
Saher Fatah 2016-2017 Undergraduate Researcher (Emory)
Jazmin Campos 2015-2017 Undergraduate Researcher, SIRE program (Emory)
Sara Stahley, PhD 2015-2016 Postdoc (Emory)